
Summer Challenge

I love my "job"!  Being able to participate in the betterment and successes of 100+ college athletes is exciting and rewarding, BUT nothing compares to teaching my children and watching them grow and succeed.  Yes, both athletes and children have moments where they want to cheat, refuse to listen, test you and demand more of you.  When they choose to listen their accomplishments will far outweigh their failures.  I believe and stand on the principles of parenting that God ordains in His Word.  This last part of the summer it is my desire to have my children learn 6 verses, each stating a simple truth about our Lord.   As they enter their teen and adult years, these truths will be called on more than they will ever be able to comprehend now.  I know this because the verses that I have stored away in my own mind are the verses that constantly come to me when I am in a state of doubt, fear, anxiety, or anything else that you can think of! This past week they learned their first verse and I encourage you to learn it with us and let me know when you have it memorized!  I would love to hear from you!!!  Here it is:
Dueteronomy 31:6  "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you.  He will not leave you nor forsake you." -NKJV

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