
Decisions, Decisions

Starting to wonder what in the world God has planned for me. Sure, having "Dr." in front of my name has a nice ring to it, but me? Really? That means at least 3 more years of dedicated research and writing.... not to mention doing a thesis instead of an internship next semester. Lord, now is a fantastic time to write on the wall of my cubicle just what it is you want me to do! It will take His perfect strength, complete faith in Him, unprecedented focus, and ridiculous drive. Not to mention a move. That, honestly, is the part that is exciting. Wow. Just the thought of all that could take place in the next several years is overwhelming. I know I could do it, but it means I cannot give fear one foot into the door of my mind. This would definitely be one giant worth slaying! Lord knows I feel like I'd be facing it just as David faced his, with only 5 stones.

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