
Three Years

Three years ago, at about this time, I found out that the little one I was carrying was no longer living.  It was at my 18-wk ultrasound and 2 days after my husband officially walked out on us.  My life was being turned upside down, right in front of my eyes.  I chose to have her instead of having a DNC and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  My mom got on a plane for the very first time so that she could be with me as I began to walk this road I had been detoured to.  Although it was a sad day, God gave me the strength I needed and I got to hold my precious little baby girl on March 29.  There was no life in her, but God gave me His eyes to see her as beautiful as He saw her.  It was a bittersweet moment in the midst of the chaos surrounding me.  This is not where everything began, but this is where God started to comfort me in the beginning of my single-mom life.    

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