
Issues? Me?

Don't you love it when something strikes you out of the blue and screams in your face..... "YOU'RE NOT AS THROUGH WITH THIS AS YOU THINK!"  Friday, the 25th, I shared a bit about what my March looked like 3 years ago.  Rejection was the theme of that time in my life.  There is nothing like being rejected by a husband you love so much and would do anything for.  As a rule, I usually don't dwell on rejection in circumstances and don't even give rejection a second thought as to why someone may not be speaking to me.  However, there was an incident this week that God used to open my eyes.  After Bible study and coming home to think about it, it hit me like a ton of bricks..... it was my past that had influenced my actions.  It's hard to sometimes to know why we do things, but I now know why I did what I did and that's the most important thing.  I was feeling rejected in a time when I so greatly needed to feel validated as a friend.  God knew exactly what I needed to hear in order to get me out of my March validation funk.  I do not need to be validated by men or women of any sort.  God is my Abba, it is what He thinks of me alone that matters.  Psalm 139 is the scripture reference I had inscribed on my daughters grace* stone.  There were toooooo many good verses in that chapter to pick one.  It is an incredible passage about God and His care for us.  Verse 17 states: "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!"  WoW!  Do you know how hard it is to have continuous good thoughts toward someone!? He never tires of thinking good thoughts towards us!  He made us!  He loves us!  We are His!  And by his grace we can be called children of God. Thank you, Lord, for loving me! 
This is so easy to speak about... looking solely to God for our validation and significance, yet it is what we are supposed to do.  It truly takes daily practice to seek God, but He promises that if we seek him, we will find Him.  Go look for Him today  :) 
*Upon proof-reading this, I realized I had written grace in lieu of grave.  I left it because I don't think that was a mistake.  Lily is a wonderful reminder of God's grace.  It is perfect and right there exactly when we need it.


  1. Please don't think I am making light of rejection. It is very really and truly hurts, but we do have a choice in how we respond to it.

  2. Haha! Apparently I didn't proof my comment! ...very real, not really! Haha!
