
Not in a millllllion years..... Ever said that!?

Don't you love it when you say you will never do something, just to end up doing it?  Maybe you never thought you'd say things your mother said, or treat your kids the way you were treated, or maybe you even said you wouldn't do something and realllllly meant it, but when the opportunity presented itself, somehow things just happened.  Sometimes these are decisions we regret and other times they are blessings in disguise.
Well, believe it or not, about 3 weeks ago I did something I said I would never do.  Yep, that's right, I joined an online dating site.  What was I thinking?  Oh yeah, peer pressure!  And you know who you are! :)  So, here's to finding out if doing something I said I'd never do is a decision I'll be glad I made or one that I will chalk up to being a silly, hopeless romantic :)
What leap of faith are you putting off in your life?  What are you doing that you wish you weren't?  Most of us have answers to both of these questions and today is a good day to think about how you plan on addressing each one!  With God, ALL things are possible!

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