
Life's Bridge

Today I want to take time to revisit a discussion that was had at my home with several of my girlfriends almost a year ago.  We were talking about things that were going on in our lives: good, bad, scary, exciting, a conversation that would allow us to be open and share and receive good, honest feedback from people we truly care about.  Towards the end of the night, we were throwing around the possibility of turning the final part of the discussion into some sort of devotion.  Well, the thought has never left my mind and here goes!  Those of you who remember, it may not be word for word, but I will try to do it justice!
Many people liken life as unto a roller coaster... on top of things one day and down in the dumps the next.  I want to throw you a different way of looking at life.  Have you ever seen, in person or in a picture, a suspended bridge that stretches over a broad chasm?  They look pretty scary if you ask me!  Made of line and wood, with plenty of space between each step.  Now, imagine that at one end of the bridge is the beginning of life and at the other end is the final breath.  Throughout life one is constantly making decisions.  Some decisions move you forward and some take us back.  Then there are some decisions that we absolutely refuse to make.  I want you to picture this bridge.  Let's say that you have made your way down this bridge and you find that in front of you there are no more steps to take; you've hit the proverbial brick wall.  Now, I am a believer that my God will order my steps, He will show me the way, He will never give me more than I can handle, and that His Word is a light to my path.  As God places choices in front of you, it is your free will that allows you to make the choice.  So, let's say that your next wooden step is a choice God wants you to take.  Every step is a leap of faith, trust that the step is the right one.  Many times the best choice, the choice that moves us forward, is the hardest step to take.  You don't know what is on the other side of that step.  It's scary.  It's the unknown. It's out of our comfort zone.  BUT, if we just take a deep breath, follow our heart and God's leading, we will be blessed beyond measure.  There are occasions in life where we are forced upon this next step, against our will, against everything we ever wanted or dreamed of.  It is in these moments that we cannot forget that God knows what's best for us.  He knows what it is going to take to make us grow, to teach us, to mold us.  We must, especially in these times, stay on our knees, hold our head high and trust in the One who knit you in your mother's womb.  He promises to never leave you or forsake you.  My desire is to live a full life.  If I never have the courage to move onto the step that God has placed in front of me, I will remain stagnant and complacent.  I don't know about you, but that is not the life I want to lead or to demonstrate for my kids.  Today, make the choice to be brave and take the step of faith!

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