
The Waiting

Hurry up and wait.... The well known military anthem can be handed down to the average civilian when waiting on God to show them the answers to each where, when, and why question that interrupts life.  Waiting can seem like an eternity, especially when that waiting is on something they yearn for.  The waiting is undoubtedly a place where we can learn incredible lessons from God and, therefore, as much as we may hate the waiting, it holds an extremely important place in God's plan for our lives.  The waiting period gives us time to think, to review, to objectively look at things we were too close to before.  It can force a quiet time in our lives where before, there was no time to breathe, much less think.  "Be still and know that I AM GOD." Ps. 46:10 is one of the hardest things to do in this day and age of technology and just plain busyness, yet one of the most important things we must do.  In my current period of waiting, God has shown me a lot.  He has shown me what I need is more important than what I want, but He also gives us the desire of our hearts.  He has reminded me that fear is not from Him and that the men of faith had to let go of fear and say yes to God in order for something great to be accomplished.  He has also given me an even better relationship with my kids.  He has decreased my stress levels.  And the list goes on.  Yes, I still have questions.  Yes, there are still things I don't understand surrounding my circumstances.  BUT, my God is amazing!  HE DOES have great plans for me!  In the meantime, I will wait on the Lord and He will renew my strength.        

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