
Who's Your Master?: Exercising Mental Strength

It is the beginning of September.  Labor Day has passed and all children are back in school.  This can only mean one thing.... Fall is around the corner..... then Thanksgiving...... then Christmas!  YAY!  This is by far my favorite time of year!  I LOVE going to football games, hiking just to enjoy the changing seasons, getting lost in a corn maze, bonfires, pumpkins, and of course..... all of the AMAZING food available!  If it involves pumpkin spice, caramel, or apples, I know I'm going to want at least a taste!  Sometimes it is all too easy to let the incredible tastes of the season consume me.
Maybe you don't have a problem with eating too much.  Maybe it is easy for you to turn down scrumptious treats and tantalizing dinners.  Or, maybe you're like me and saying no to some foods is just waaaaaay to hard.  That may be exactly why I have a hard time losing weight.  Oh sure, I lose a few pounds, but then comes along a pumpkin spice latte or a piece of apple crisp that absolutely must have a scoop of ice cream.  And you know that if you don't eat it straight out of the oven, it just won't be as good the next day!
The other day I was given something to think about.  Matthew 6:24 says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon."  Have you ever thought of food as a "master"?  Well, I have to admit that sometimes it's hard to say no, and I give in to something that has a few more calories than I need or something that I don't need at all, but sounds sooooo good.  When I give in, I am allowing my wants to guide me, letting the thought of food be my master. 
Saying no requires discipline.... mental strength.... determination!  There are many other things in our life that can consume our attention besides food: cars, exercise, school, people, hobbies, children, even our spouse or significant other.  Who is your master?  Exercise your mental strength and say no today to something that consumes you.  Don't forget, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. This was good- challenging! Thanks Julia for the insight. :)
