

This past Saturday, I attended my alma mater's first home football game of the season.  It was a close game throughout the evening and that did not change as the end drew near.  The clock was running down in the fourth quarter, and we needed just one more touch down.  Coach called a time out and our players huddled on the field to make a decision that would best result in a touchdown and guaranteed overtime.  As soon as the players returned to their positions on the field, the opposing coach called a time out.  I looked at my kids and immediately knew it was a strategic play.  Some may say they called it to discuss how they could block the pass or mess up the play.  My personal, immediate thought had nothing to do with either of those.  I truly felt it was a move put in place to cause our players to lose their focus.  Forgive me for not knowing the exact amount of time for a football time out (I'm pretty sure it's 40-60 seconds), but it is definitely long enough for a team to lose focus and concentration on the plans that were just discussed and called in their own huddle.  After the opposing team completed its time out, both teams took their positions and the play was made.  Unfortunately, our team did not make the all-important touchdown that was needed and the game was essentially over.
In the car on the way home, my oldest son asked me what I meant by them losing their focus and I was excited to see a teachable moment in front of me.  You see, if you think about it, the event that occurred in the football game closely resembles our game of life.  You may be trying to hit the gym every day, eat only healthy foods, read your Bible on a daily basis, not yell at the kids so much.  The list could go on and on.  How often have you started to change a habit, or been in the middle of making a new habit, when all of a sudden life calls a "time out"?? You are faced with a headache and you don't want to go to the gym; you go to Sam's and of all days, they are sampling Cheesecake Factory cheesecake; you get your kids to school only to find out that one left their shoes at home, one left their homework and another left their lunch; or you sit down to do your Bible study and your phone that hasn't made noise for days is now beeping out of control with texts from friends that just have to get together!  Right here. Right now. Today is when a decision needs to be made.  Do you keep your focus and move forward or do you take a small detour and hope to get back on track "tomorrow"? 
We've all heard the cliche, "Don't sweat the small stuff."  Most of the time it is the small stuff that causes the most damage.  When life interrupts your focus, handle the matter and immediately turn your focus back.  Dwelling on the small stuff when trying to complete a major focus can cause you to make a huge detour that was not necessary or it may ultimately lead to a loss.
I Kings 11:9-10 says this, "And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel, which had appeared unto him twice, And had commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the Lord commanded."  "This thing" was referring to what Solomon was doing that was taking his focus of of God.  What is the thing (or things) that God is getting after you about?  Is there something that you need to take out of your life, ignore, simply trust God about?  Do not lose sight of your end goal. You may need to even ask God to show you what your goal should be!  Stay focused!  Keep your eye on the prize!  Win TODAY!     

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