
Constant or Variable? Pt.1

All of us have learned at one point or another about constants and variables.  A constant is unchanging and unvarying.  It is something that can be depended upon at any point for the very reason that it does not change.  On the other hand, you have your variable.  A variable is something that affects change.  It can come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing you can count on is that it will never be the same.  This blog will be broken into 2 parts so we can look at 2 types of constants and variables.
First we'll start in the weight room.  If you think hard enough, you can probably already tell me what the constant is when you show up at the gym.  No, it's not the lady at the front desk who greets you with a warm smile, or the guy in the corner who has claimed not only a bench, but a bar, some dumbbells and a rack every time he's there, and it's not even the woman that you see all the time who's hair and make-up are perfect and she's doing the same set of 10 bicep curls she does every day without one drop of sweat to glisten her forehead.  As a weightlifter, beginner or advanced, the one constant you can count on in the weight room is the weight.  You may be saying, "What? I change weight all the time!"  Ok, yes, you may go up or down on weight depending on the day or your period of training, but step back and let's look at one specific period of training.  Let's say you are working on your squat.  Assume you stay at the same weight for several weeks.  When you come in to work on your squat, you know without a doubt that the same 125 pounds you were squatting at the last workout will be the exact same 125 pounds you squat today.  That is your Constant for this period.  Now the variable.  Variables are everywhere, from the amount of water or food intake you had that day to the number of sets and reps you have chosen to conquer, but!  There is one variable that rises above any of these.  That Variable is YOU!  You have the ability to encourage or defeat yourself.  Your mindset when you enter the gym will determine if you will be able to squat that 125 pounds for every one of your determined reps.  As you increase or decrease your sets and/or reps, You alone have the ability to decide to make or break your new attempt.  Make Today the day you decide to get better, to do better, to BE better!  Your body can accomplish great feats and your mind can make or break you.... Let it make you!  Maybe it's even possible that your positive attitude can become a constant :)     

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