
Constant or Variable? Pt. 2

This world is full of variables and very few constants.  A phrase has been coined to embody this fact, "The only thing constant is change."  Sure, at first thought, that may comfort you in a weird sort of way!  But, when you consider the meaning within this statement, you find it saying there is literally nothing you can count on.  How depressing!  Nothing??  But I thought we are supposed to be able to count on our parents, our friends, our spouses, our church, our leaders!  I guarantee you, if you took 10 seconds to consider any one of these people, you would be able to tell me exactly who let you down.  You could probably give me specific details, right down to the time, where you were and what you were wearing when a certain someone in your life disappointed you.  Maybe you were forgotten.  Maybe you were cheated on.  Humans were created to be relational.  That means that we are meant to have relationships!  So avoiding these relationships in order to have peace may actually make you more lonely, depressed, and/or withdrawn.  As a relational being, how are we to combat this?  How do we have thriving relationships when everyone and everything affects us?  Wouldn't you like to be certain that there is a relationship out there you can have where you can depend on them 100% !?  I know I would! 
Well, there is!  There is someone you can count on 24/7/365, all the days of your life.  God is our constant.  Bet you knew that, but have you thought of it that way?  Do you treat Him that way??? When people let you down, where do you run?  Who is your comfort?  Where do you find joy when it has all been seemingly yanked from you?  I hope your answer is God.  Alcohol will not help you, drugs will not help you, and people will not help you to the extent you need.  We are born with a proverbial hole in our hearts that is meant to be filled by the one and only Jesus Christ.  None of these other variables, including success and money, can fill that hole.  We are created by Him and for Him (Col. 1:16).  Hebrews 13:5 says, "...because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'"  That word Never is an absolute.  It does not leave any room for  "sometimes" or "most of the time".  It could be turned into: I will Always be with you; I will always be for you.  Don't let the variables of this life affect your belief in the Constant One.  His grace is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9).  His strength is perfect (2 Cor. 12:9).  His love is everlasting (Jer. 31:3).  His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23)!  As a Christ follower, I know my hope and strength are in Him.  He is my constant!  Without Him I have nothing and I am nothing.  He is all I need.
So, the next time you are let down by someone or something you have depended on, take your complaints, your worries, your hurt and any other emotional residue to the One who can bring you peace and comfort.  Pray... He's listening.  Forgive.... It won't make it right but It will set you free.  Love... I Cor. chapter 13 can explain that way better than I can!  We are human. We make mistakes.... and so do the ones we love.  BUT, God is constant!     
If you have questions, leave a comment, I am sure you are not the only one :) 

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