
What Separates You??

This past Sunday, the 49ers had a chance to go down in history as the champs of Super Bowl XLVII..... But they didn't.  A mere three points separated them from being the best of the NFL.  In the final minutes of the game, the 49ers had a chance to at least tie the game with a 3-pt kick, but they chose to run the 4th down in hopes of scoring.  They were just a few short yards away and the touchdown seemed in reach, but as we all know, anything can happen when there are so many variables, and it did.  The Ravens rushed the quarterback and he threw a wild ball putting the Ravens back in control and the 49ers still behind.  Not many teams like to tie, but that would have definitely been an option had the 49ers chosen to kick instead of run.  Overtime could have been an epic showdown proving who the best truly was.

In life there are many opportunities for a person to excel, but how often do we embrace these opportunities and really choose to go beyond what is required?  What are you doing today that you know you have been called to do?  Where are you planted that you need to grow instead of complain?  How many lives could you touch in a positive way if you just stepped out of your comfort zone and onto the platforms of faith and belief?  In short, what is separating you from greatness???  God has called each one of us to greatness.  He's given us each a different place to excel.  Time to get it done!

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