
Choose you this day...

Today, perfect strength means passing up something I want so badly. Choosing to trust that God will supply something even more perfect than I can imagine is not easy, but I know it will be worth it. To be completely honest, we make these types of choices on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. The importance and types of our choices may not seem equal, but they are. These choices determine our priorities, our stress level, and even our waist line!

I did not choose to be single. Most of the single people I know did not choose to be single, and yet, here we are. Whether it was an unwanted divorce, an untimely death, or the lack of a good suitor, singleness is not something we desire or would have purposely chosen. What my friends and I have chosen to do is to trust God to direct our path, to show us our purpose, to fill the empty spaces we so often may feel. His hand has not failed us. Sometimes we may fail ourselves, or the expectations of others, but HE has not failed us. His love is steadfast, His grace unending.

Trusting God may have been our first choice, but then we decided to trust that His words and His biblical guidance is best. Christianity has a running theme about building relationships... Love one another, encourage one another, pray for one another. We choose to make time for one another on a weekly basis, at the very least. We choose to be honest with each other, to be held accountable to each other. I am so thankful I have a close group of friends that love me for who I am, are not afraid to be honest with me and allow me to be honest with them, that take time to lift me up in prayer and encourage me when they don't even know I need it, who listen to me when I talk entirely too much, who don't mind their cars being sabotaged on their birthdays. God has given each of us more than we ever expected within our friendship and brought us each together in such a way that only He could do. Singleness is not just bearable, it is enjoyable, and in a way that is honoring to God.

Choose to say, "It is well with my soul."

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