
And You?

     In our Bible study for this semester we are studying Beth Moore's David: Seeking a Heart Like His.  There are many things about David's life that astound me!  There's good, bad, and downright ugly.  Some things I am learning for what seems like the first time!  I cannot get over the amount of wives David took on.  For a moment, let's just pretend that we are one of them...  a wife of David., a wife of a man who was considered to have a heart like God's.  And yet, as the wife of a promised king, you have to deal with your husband being gone all the time to war, matters of adultery and polygamy, not to mention being chased by people who want to kill your family!

     Let's compare David and Job for a minute:  Job, not called by the Bible a man with a heart like God's, but we see him honoring God in his actions even in the midst of some pretty hard trials.  He lost ALL that he had... except his wife!  (Oh the irony!)  His wife had a different attitude towards God and her husband and the trials they encountered.  She was bitter and hateful, ugly and disrespectful with a complete lack of faith and trust in their God.

     Though neither one of these wives had ideal circumstances in their marriages, they both chose to react in a completely different way toward their husband.  And, though Job was never referred to as a man after God's own heart, he and David both sought the Lord and kept their eyes focused on the one who is in control, God.

     Anyways, I thought it brought forth some interesting questions as I was thinking about all of this:

1) If you were David's wife and you were being cheated on, knowing that he was called of God and that he was the one who had a heart like God's, what would you have done?  In this day and age would you have divorced him, or trusted God? *
2) If you were Job's wife, how would you have reacted?  Would you have gotten mad at Job and at God for everything that was going on?  Would you have divorced him because of situations, unknowing of the fact that God was allowing it all?

     It's a lot to think about!  These women knew a whole lot less than we do, because we are able to read the story from above the situation, knowing facts, while they were IN the situation.  How fast we often overreact to situations when we just need to stop, pray and trust God.  He knows all, He sees all, He is Sovereign and He has NOT forgotten you!

(*This is in no way condoning a person to act in the way David did that was sinful, but a reminder that we are all sinful and sometimes, I bet, there are things we even hope others overlook and forgive in us.)   


What Separates You??

This past Sunday, the 49ers had a chance to go down in history as the champs of Super Bowl XLVII..... But they didn't.  A mere three points separated them from being the best of the NFL.  In the final minutes of the game, the 49ers had a chance to at least tie the game with a 3-pt kick, but they chose to run the 4th down in hopes of scoring.  They were just a few short yards away and the touchdown seemed in reach, but as we all know, anything can happen when there are so many variables, and it did.  The Ravens rushed the quarterback and he threw a wild ball putting the Ravens back in control and the 49ers still behind.  Not many teams like to tie, but that would have definitely been an option had the 49ers chosen to kick instead of run.  Overtime could have been an epic showdown proving who the best truly was.

In life there are many opportunities for a person to excel, but how often do we embrace these opportunities and really choose to go beyond what is required?  What are you doing today that you know you have been called to do?  Where are you planted that you need to grow instead of complain?  How many lives could you touch in a positive way if you just stepped out of your comfort zone and onto the platforms of faith and belief?  In short, what is separating you from greatness???  God has called each one of us to greatness.  He's given us each a different place to excel.  Time to get it done!


Constant or Variable? Pt. 2

This world is full of variables and very few constants.  A phrase has been coined to embody this fact, "The only thing constant is change."  Sure, at first thought, that may comfort you in a weird sort of way!  But, when you consider the meaning within this statement, you find it saying there is literally nothing you can count on.  How depressing!  Nothing??  But I thought we are supposed to be able to count on our parents, our friends, our spouses, our church, our leaders!  I guarantee you, if you took 10 seconds to consider any one of these people, you would be able to tell me exactly who let you down.  You could probably give me specific details, right down to the time, where you were and what you were wearing when a certain someone in your life disappointed you.  Maybe you were forgotten.  Maybe you were cheated on.  Humans were created to be relational.  That means that we are meant to have relationships!  So avoiding these relationships in order to have peace may actually make you more lonely, depressed, and/or withdrawn.  As a relational being, how are we to combat this?  How do we have thriving relationships when everyone and everything affects us?  Wouldn't you like to be certain that there is a relationship out there you can have where you can depend on them 100% !?  I know I would! 
Well, there is!  There is someone you can count on 24/7/365, all the days of your life.  God is our constant.  Bet you knew that, but have you thought of it that way?  Do you treat Him that way??? When people let you down, where do you run?  Who is your comfort?  Where do you find joy when it has all been seemingly yanked from you?  I hope your answer is God.  Alcohol will not help you, drugs will not help you, and people will not help you to the extent you need.  We are born with a proverbial hole in our hearts that is meant to be filled by the one and only Jesus Christ.  None of these other variables, including success and money, can fill that hole.  We are created by Him and for Him (Col. 1:16).  Hebrews 13:5 says, "...because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'"  That word Never is an absolute.  It does not leave any room for  "sometimes" or "most of the time".  It could be turned into: I will Always be with you; I will always be for you.  Don't let the variables of this life affect your belief in the Constant One.  His grace is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9).  His strength is perfect (2 Cor. 12:9).  His love is everlasting (Jer. 31:3).  His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23)!  As a Christ follower, I know my hope and strength are in Him.  He is my constant!  Without Him I have nothing and I am nothing.  He is all I need.
So, the next time you are let down by someone or something you have depended on, take your complaints, your worries, your hurt and any other emotional residue to the One who can bring you peace and comfort.  Pray... He's listening.  Forgive.... It won't make it right but It will set you free.  Love... I Cor. chapter 13 can explain that way better than I can!  We are human. We make mistakes.... and so do the ones we love.  BUT, God is constant!     
If you have questions, leave a comment, I am sure you are not the only one :) 


Constant or Variable? Pt.1

All of us have learned at one point or another about constants and variables.  A constant is unchanging and unvarying.  It is something that can be depended upon at any point for the very reason that it does not change.  On the other hand, you have your variable.  A variable is something that affects change.  It can come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing you can count on is that it will never be the same.  This blog will be broken into 2 parts so we can look at 2 types of constants and variables.
First we'll start in the weight room.  If you think hard enough, you can probably already tell me what the constant is when you show up at the gym.  No, it's not the lady at the front desk who greets you with a warm smile, or the guy in the corner who has claimed not only a bench, but a bar, some dumbbells and a rack every time he's there, and it's not even the woman that you see all the time who's hair and make-up are perfect and she's doing the same set of 10 bicep curls she does every day without one drop of sweat to glisten her forehead.  As a weightlifter, beginner or advanced, the one constant you can count on in the weight room is the weight.  You may be saying, "What? I change weight all the time!"  Ok, yes, you may go up or down on weight depending on the day or your period of training, but step back and let's look at one specific period of training.  Let's say you are working on your squat.  Assume you stay at the same weight for several weeks.  When you come in to work on your squat, you know without a doubt that the same 125 pounds you were squatting at the last workout will be the exact same 125 pounds you squat today.  That is your Constant for this period.  Now the variable.  Variables are everywhere, from the amount of water or food intake you had that day to the number of sets and reps you have chosen to conquer, but!  There is one variable that rises above any of these.  That Variable is YOU!  You have the ability to encourage or defeat yourself.  Your mindset when you enter the gym will determine if you will be able to squat that 125 pounds for every one of your determined reps.  As you increase or decrease your sets and/or reps, You alone have the ability to decide to make or break your new attempt.  Make Today the day you decide to get better, to do better, to BE better!  Your body can accomplish great feats and your mind can make or break you.... Let it make you!  Maybe it's even possible that your positive attitude can become a constant :)