
Running Strength

"Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing" (I Cor. 9:24-26, NLT).

Wow! There is so much in just those 3 verses! I am not a runner, but I participate in sports where running is very important. If I'm playing softball, I better be able to beat a thrown ball as I run to my intended base. If I'm playing soccer, I better be able to beat the other team to the ball. In each of these instances, I am running to accomplish something that by the same time tomorrow will be long forgotten. Even if it happens to be an epic play, good or bad, the memory of it will eventually fade.

Running takes strength, not just endurance or speed. In order to move from where I am, my muscles need to fire in a way that will produce a powerful take-off and the desired end effect. If I ask any random person on the street what muscles or body parts would be key in helping a runner to succeed, the immediate answer would almost assuredly be something to do with one's legs. Common sense, right? But that's not where the force lies. It lies in the glutes. Your butt. Another interesting running fact? You will only be able to run as fast as your arms allow you. Now that's something to think about! How is that possible? Running encompasses muscles of the entire body, each of them working together to promote perfect running strength. Without one or two of these muscles being strong, you may still be able to be a good runner, but greatness comes when everything is tied together and used to the best of its ability.

What element do you need to add to your workout today, or even your life, so that you can 'run' to the best of your ability? Then, do something today that will count for eternity. Invest in someone's life, encourage your co-worker, live with purpose :)

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