
Perfect Love Part 2

Ahhh... Perfect Love. Yes. It can exist. Will we ever be able to truly fully match up? Maybe not. We are human of course. But knowing where to begin is a start.  So, here we go....

Love is Kind. At this point, I think there is a pretty good reason for patience being listed first. Patience is probably the basis for all subsequent attributes! Kindness is easy... until it's not. Just watch a group of kids at the park. How long does being kind last? Are they all being kind? Yeah, probably not, and those who are being kind? Give it a minute. Someone will come take their toy and it is on! Kindness takes work and a lot of thinking before we act.

Love Does Not Envy. This may be a difficult one to dissect. Envy is a type of selfish jealousy... wanting what someone else has to a point of anger or hate. Though not something I've personally struggled with, I have seen how this sort of thing can begin. Envy is not something you want to mess with. Proverbs 14:30 specifically says, "Envy makes the bones rot" (ESV). Um, no thanks.  Be happy with what God has given you and be happy for what God has given to others.

Love Does Not Boast. When a person is boasting, they are centered on self. Love should be the opposite... focused on the one being loved.

Love Is Not Proud. What is the opposite of pride? Humility. Again, one who is proud is focused on self. A humble person is more apt to show respect and esteem the one they love above themselves.

Love Does Not Dishonor. Here's a good one (not that the others aren't). In order to understand this attribute, one needs to look no further than the military and someone who has been given a dishonorable discharge. Dishonor brings disgrace and shame to a person. I can't imagine ever intentionally dishonoring any part of my family, and yet, I have seen it happen more than I care to count. Wives dishonoring their husbands and husbands dishonoring their wives. Dishonor is hurtful and lasting. It can leave a bitter taste in the relationship for a long time. Love does not dishonor, it brings honor.

Love Is Not Self-Seeking. Another attribute clearly concerned with the problem of selfishness. If I were to make an assumption, it would be that next to patience, an attitude of selflessness is the most important attribute to exhibit to those you love. The reason you cook a meal, the reason you clean the house, the reason you buy her flowers, the reason you do anything should not be to receive something in return. Love gives, expecting nothing in return. Would we like something in return? A thank you? Guys, sex? Girls, attention? Sure! But to be able to give freely without expecting anything in return is truly loving that person. Hard, but doable. 

To be continued.....

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